On this page, we list the buffs, debuffs and useful abilities that a
Marksmanship Hunter brings to a raid in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. We
also list equivalent buffs and debuffs that other classes provide.
The other pages of our Marksmanship Hunter guide can be accessed
from the table of contents on the right.
Increases the melee and ranged Attack Speed of all party and raid members by 10% — does not
stack with Unholy Aura, Serpent's Swiftness, Swiftblade's Cunning,
and Unleashed Rage |
Increases the melee and ranged Attack Speed of all party and raid members by 10% — does not
stack with Unholy Aura, Cackling Howl, Swiftblade's Cunning,
and Unleashed Rage |
Increases spell casting speed of all raid or party
members by 5% — does not stack with Moonkin Aura,
Shadowform, and Elemental Oath
Increases the Critical Strike Chance of all party and raid members by 5% —
does not stack with Leader of the Pack,
Fearless Roar, Still Water, Terrifying Roar,
Arcane Brilliance, and Legacy of the White Tiger |
Increases the Mastery Rating of all party and raid members by 3000 —
does not stack with Spirit Beast Blessing,
Blessing of Might, and Grace of Air
-10% Physical Damage dealt — does not stack with
Scarlet Fever, Thrash/ Thrash,
Demoralizing Screech, Keg Smash,
Crusader Strike, Hammer of the Righteous, Earth Shock,
Curse of Enfeeblement, and Thunder Clap |
-10% Physical Damage dealt — does not stack with
Scarlet Fever, Thrash/ Thrash,
Demoralizing Roar, Keg Smash,
Crusader Strike, Hammer of the Righteous, Earth Shock,
Curse of Enfeeblement, and Thunder Clap |
- Gore
- Boar (Tenacity)
+4% Physical Damage taken — does not stack with
Brittle Bones, Ebon Plaguebringer,
Acid Spit, Ravage, Stampede,
Judgments of the Bold, and Colossus Smash
+4% Physical Damage taken — does not stack with
Brittle Bones, Ebon Plaguebringer,
Acid Spit, Gore, Stampede,
Judgments of the Bold, and Colossus Smash
-12% Armor — does not stack with Faerie Fire,
Tear Armor, Expose Armor, Glyph of Sharpened Knives,
Sunder Armor, and Devastate. Note that all 3 stacks are applied at once, making
the ability extremely useful, and unique in this regard. |
-12% Armor — does not stack with Faerie Fire,
Dust Cloud, Expose Armor, Glyph of Sharpened Knives,
Sunder Armor, and Devastate |
+5% Spell Damage taken — does not stack with
Lightning Breath, Master Poisoner, and
Curse of the Elements
+5% Spell Damage taken — does not stack with
Fire Breath, Master Poisoner, and
Curse of the Elements
-50% Casting Speed — does not stack with
Necrotic Strike, Lava Breath,
Slow, Mind-numbing Poison, and
Curse of Enfeeblement
10-second disarm |
10-second disarm |
30-second cooldown interrupt |
40-second cooldown interrupt |
1-minute cooldown interrupt |
Single-target taunt |
Single-target movement speed reduction |
Single-target movement speed reduction |
Single-target movement speed reduction |
Single-target knock-back |
- Pin
- Crab (Tenacity)
Single-target root with a 40-second cooldown |
- Web
- Spider (Cunning)
Single-target root with a 40-second cooldown |
2-second stun |
2-second stun |