General Information
On this page, we list the buffs, debuffs and useful abilities that aRestoration Shaman brings to a raid in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. Wealso list equivalent buffs and debuffs that other classes provide.
The other pages of our Restoration Shaman guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.
Burning Wrath |
Increases the Spell Power of all party and raid members by 10% — does not stack with Still Water, Arcane Brilliance, and Dark Intent |
Grace of Air |
Increases the Mastering Rating of all party and raid members by 3000 — does not stack with Roar of Courage, Spirit Beast Blessing, and Blessing of Might |
Alliance and Horde equivalents of Time Warp |
Stormlash Totem |
Causes all allies within 40 yards to deal additional Nature damage for 10 seconds, 5-minute cooldown |
Earth Shock |
-10% Physical Damage dealt — does not stack with Scarlet Fever, Thrash/ Thrash, Demoralizing Roar, Demoralizing Screech, Keg Smash, Crusader Strike, Hammer of the Righteous, Curse of Enfeeblement, and Thunder Clap |
Purify Spirit |
Removes all Curse and Magic effects from a friendly target (8-second cooldown) |
Purge |
Dispels 1 beneficial Magic effect from an enemy target (2 with Glyph of Purge) |
Tremor Totem |
Summon this totem down whenever a boss or an add is about to cast a fear effect on your party or raid. This totem is unique to Shamans and it is important to use it when needed. |
Wind Shear |
Interrupt on a 12-second cooldown |
Rockbiter Weapon |
Forces the target to attack you for 6 seconds (when combined with Unleash Elements) |
Windwalk Totem |
Tier 2 talent that grants raid-wide immunity against movement-impairing effects for 6 seconds, 1-minute cooldown |
Water Walking |
Grants a friendly target the ability to walk on water for 10 minutes |
Frost Shock |
Single-target slow |
Earthbind Totem |
AoE slow, 20-second duration, 30-second cooldown |
Earthgrab Totem |
AoE snare+slow, 20-second duration, 30-second cooldown (Tier 2 talent) |
Capacitor Totem |
5-second AoE stun on 45-second cooldown |
Incapacitating abilities that have a limited interest due to the fact that other classes have equivalent abilities that do not have cooldowns (namely Polymorph for Mages, and Banish for Warlocks) |
Grounding Totem |
Prevents a harmful spell from damaging a nearby ally. Reflects spell back to caster with Glyph of Grounding Totem. |
Stone Bulwark Totem |
Absorption effect (Tier 1 talent). |
Astral Shift |
40% damage reduction for 6 seconds, on a 90-second cooldown (Tier 1 talent) |
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