Utolsó módosítás programmer, ekkor: 2015.03.21.
General Information
On this page, we list your Retribution Paladin coreabilities and how they should be used together (rotation) in World of WarcraftMoP 5.4. We also explain whento use your various cooldowns. Then, we go deeper and present all the subtletiesthat you will need to know if you want to excel at playing a RetributionPaladin. The other pages of our Retribution Paladin guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right. 1. Single Target Rotation↑topThe single target rotation for Retribution Paladins follows a prioritysystem.
In order to better understand this rotation, you must understand thesubtleties related to Holy Power. Please read our section that deals with Holy Power. 1.1. SealYou should use Seal of Truth. Against 4 or more enemies which survivefor 30+ seconds, you should use Seal of Righteousness. 2. Multiple Target Rotation↑topThe multiple target (AoE) rotation is based on the same priority system asthe single target one. As the number of targets you are facing increases,certain changes occur, as follows:
If you have the 4-Part Tier 16 Set Bonus, you must be on the look-out forthe Divine Storm procs, since they are very important. You should switch targets between your enemies constantly in order tobenefit from Glyph of Double Jeopardy, and to maintain full Censure stacks(from Seal of Truth) on each target. Against 4 or more enemies, Seal of Righteousness is better than Seal ofTruth, but only in case you manage to switch the seal during a moment ofdown-time, or if the targets will live for a long time. If you have a proc from your 4-Part Tier 15 Set Bonus, then Templar's Verdict is better than Divine Storm against 2-3 targets, but Divine Storm remains better against4 or more targets. 3. Cooldown Usage↑topAs a Retribution Paladin, you only have 2 DPS cooldowns by default. Forbest results, you should use them as we describe below:
You also have a very powerful raid cooldown in your arsenal, namely Devotion Aura. You should consult with your raid leader as to when thebest time to use this spell is. Your talents can provide you with a few other important abilities. Wecover them in a subsequent section. 4. Optional Read: Mastering Your Retribution Paladin↑topIn this section, we will give you more details about how to execute yourrotation based on the priorities mentioned above. 4.1. Refreshing InquisitionInquisition is a self buff that increases your Holy damage by 30%.It costs Holy Power to cast, and it lasts 20 seconds for each charge of HolyPower used. Maintaining 100% Inquisition uptime is crucial for your DPS, and for thisreason it is your top priority. In general, you will want to apply Inquisition with 3 charges of HolyPower, as this makes your rotation easier (it does not require you to constantlytrack the Inquisition duration) and uses up fewer global cooldowns refreshingthe buff. The only exception to this, when you should use one or two charges ofHoly Power, is when the boss is about to die and will not live for 60 (or even40) seconds. You should begin saving Holy Power to refresh Inquisition when the buff hasaround 5 seconds remaining. 4.2. Holy Power Subtleties4.2.1. Pooling Holy PowerThanks to Boundless Conviction, a passive ability, you can have upto a maximum of 5 Holy Power at one time. However, no ability that consumesHoly Power can consume more than 3. This means two things:
4.2.2. Generating Holy PowerThe following abilities generate Holy Power: The abilities that cost Holy Power are: Remember that no ability can consume more than 3 Holy Power, and that youhave a maximum capacity of 5 Holy Power. In order to maximise your Holy Powergains, you should always prioritise a Holy Power-generating ability over onethat consumes Holy Power, unless you have 5 Holy Power. This general rulecan be detailed further. 4.2.3. At 5 Holy PowerWhen you are at 5 Holy Power, you should never use a Holy Power-generatingability. Instead, you should do one of the following things:
4.2.4. At 3 Holy PowerIn order to maximise your Holy Power gains, you should use your HolyPower-generating abilities on cooldown. If all of them are on cooldown, thenyou should use an ability that consumes Holy Power. 4.2.5. Below 3 Holy PowerWhen you are below 3 Holy Power, you should not use Templar's Verdictor refresh Inquisition (unless it is about to expire right away, or ithas already expired). Instead, you should use Holy Power-generating abilities.If all Holy Power-generating abilities are on cooldown, then simply wait forthem to become available. 4.3. Exorcism and The Art of WarThe Art of War, a passive ability, gives your autoattacks a chance toreset the cooldown of Exorcism. 4.4. Alternative Look at the RotationA different way to look at the rotation, which may help you put intopractical use better, is as follows:
4.5. Abilities and Cooldowns from Talents4.5.1. Tier 5 TalentsSanctified Wrath has two implications on your rotation:
Holy Avenger should be used as a DPS cooldown, and stacked with Avenging Wrath and Guardian of Ancient Kings wheneverpossible. While Holy Avenger is active, your DPS rotation will probably be:
Finally, Divine Purpose will produce its effects passively. However,you must watch out for its procs, and be prepared for abilities not toconsume Holy Power. If you are not careful, you can end up capping yourHoly Power. Having a means of tracking this buff, and instantly using itsprocs on either Templar's Verdict, Inquisition, or Divine Storm. 4.5.2. Tier 6 TalentsExecution Sentence should be used on cooldown, against yourmain target. This is your highest priority ability. It is important to notethat Execution Sentence deals damage based on your Strength at the time when itwas cast (even though it deals damage over time). At the start of the fight,you should wait to cast Execution Sentence until your Guardian of Ancient Kings has fully stacked your Strengthbuff. If you chose Light's Hammer, simply place the hammer down at alocation where the adds you want to damage are. This is also your highestpriority, in case you chose it over Execution Sentence. If you chose Holy Prism, then you will cast it on a raidmember who is near to the adds you want to damage. 5. Changelog↑top