General Information
On this page, we list the buffs, debuffs and useful abilities that a
Balance Druid brings to a raid in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. We
also list equivalent buffs and debuffs that other classes provide.
The other pages of our Balance Druid guide can be accessed
from the table of contents on the right.
Moonkin Aura |
Increases spell casting speed of all raid or party
members by 5% — does not stack with Mind Quickening,
Shadowform and Elemental Oath
Mark of the Wild |
Increases the Strength, Agility, and Intellect of all party and raid members by 5% —
does not stack with Embrace of the Shale Spider, Legacy of the Emperor, and
Blessing of Kings
Faerie Fire |
12% Armor reduction —
does not stack with Dust Cloud, Tear Armor,
Expose Armor, Glyph of Sharpened Knives,
Sunder Armor, and Devastate
Rebirth |
Combat resurrection |
Solar Beam |
AoE interrupt and silence, 1 minute cooldown |
Remove Corruption |
Removes all Poison and Curse effects (8-second cooldown) |
Innervate |
Grants mana to a raid member |
Tranquility |
Raid-wide healing cooldown |
Stampeding Roar |
Raid-wide movement speed burst (automatically shifts to
Bear Form - although the form requirement is removed by
Glyph of Stampede) |
Soothe |
Dispels enrage effects from the target |
Hibernate |
40-second sleep (beasts and dragonkin only) |
Cyclone |
6-second incapacitate |
Entangling Roots |
Roots target in place for 30 seconds, broken by damage |
Barkskin |
20% damage reduction for 12 seconds, 1-minute cooldown |
Dash |
Movement speed burst (using this automatically shifts the Druid to
Cat Form) |