Utolsó módosítás programmer, ekkor: 2015.03.15.
General Information
On this page, we list your Guardian Druid core abilities and how they should be used together (rotation) in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. We also explain when to use your various cooldowns. Then, we go deeper and present all the subtleties that you will need to know if you want to excel at playing a Guardian Druid. The other pages of our Guardian Druid guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right. 1. Single Target Rotation↑topThe single target rotation for a Guardian Druid is based on this very simple priority system:
2. Multiple Target Rotation↑top
You will want to alternate using Mangle on various enemies, preferring those on who your threat is lowest. 3. Taunting↑topGrowl is your main taunting ability. It only works on a single target and has an 8-second cooldown. 4. Cooldowns↑topAs a Feral Druid Tank, you have several important defensive cooldowns.
You also have one predominantly offensive cooldown, Berserk. This has a 3-minute cooldown, and causes your Mangle to hit 3 targets instead of 1, and have no cooldown, for 10 seconds. More details about how to best use your cooldowns, and about the cooldowns you can gain from your talents, can be found in our detailed cooldown section. 4.1. Abilities Granted by SymbiosisSymbiosis is a buff that you can place on one party or raid member. The buff lasts for 1 hour, and grants you an ability belonging to the target's class, depending on what your specialisation is. At the same time, the target receives one of your spells. Both of these spells come in a slightly modified version (less powerful than the original). You can see the full list of spells here, but the spells useful to you as a Guardian are:
As a Guardian Druid, keep in mind that using Symbiosis on a fellow tank will grant them a minor defensive cooldown, so this is generally the best practice to follow. 5. Optional Read: Mastering Your Guardian Druid↑topTanking as a Guardian Druid is very simple, and the information provided above should be more than sufficient to allow you to perform your role at an excellent level. There are, however, a few details you should also understand in order to fully master your character. 5.1. Rage GenerationGuardian Druid tanks use a resource called Rage (Warriors are the only other class in the game to use it). For you to properly master your Druid, you must understand how Rage works. The Rage bar has a maximum capacity of 100, and is empty by default. Rage decays at a rate of 1 per second when out of combat. In combat, Rage does not decay. Rage is generated in following two ways:
The only factors which affect rage generation are attack speed, chance to hit (only up to the point where you are guaranteed to hit, so 7.5% chance to hit) and Expertise Rating. This is because the more you attack, the more times you will generate rage. For more details on white (normal) and yellow (special) attacks, and how they are influenced by Hit and Expertise Rating, you can check our guide on the mechanics of melee attacks. 5.1.1. BerserkBerserk boosts your rage generation if you score a Critical Strike against the additional targets that Mangle hits. The regular hits from Mangle on these targets will not generate additional rage. 5.2. VengeanceVengeance is a passive ability which you receive for choosing the Guardian specialisation. It increases your attack power for 1.5% of the unmitigated damage of each attack made against you (even those attacks that you dodge, where you receive Vengeance based on the amount of damage you would have taken). The amount of Vengeance you receive from an attack decays over time at a rate of 5% per second, until it eventually disappears altogether (only while you are taking damage). Shifting into Cat Form removes the buff. It is an essential mechanic in allowing you to maintain aggro of mobs. Vengeance also has diminishing returns, in that each additional target attacking you generates less Vengeance than the previous one. 5.3. Mastery: Nature's GuardianYour Mastery is Mastery: Nature's Guardian. It increases your armor by a percentage value. This provides you with passive mitigation against Physical damage. Note that some sources of Physical damage, such as bleeds, bypass armor and their damage is not reduced by it. 5.4. Detailed Cooldown UsagePlaying a Guardian Druid tank is an active experience, in the sense that you will have to regularly and wisely use your active defensive cooldowns to maintain your survivability. You have two short-cooldown abilities, as well as a few abilities you can use only a few times during the encounter. Lastly, you have one offensive cooldown. 5.4.1. Frenzied RegenerationFrenzied Regeneration is a heal. It should be used when you have sustained damage and you wish to help your healers keep you up. It is important to learn to use this ability when needed, something that will come with practice and experience. Frenzied Regeneration is a reactive cooldown, meaning that it should be used after you have sustained damage. 5.4.2. Savage DefenseSavage Defense increases your chance to dodge by a very large amount. While you generally dodge melee attacks, it is also possible to dodge certain types of special attacks. Knowing which special attacks you can dodge (something that you can really only find out by testing in practice) is useful, because it allows you to use Savage Defense right before the more damaging special attacks to dodge them. Otherwise, you should use Savage Defense right before you are about to take one or more powerful melee attacks. It is a proactive cooldown, meaning that it should be used before you have sustained damage. 5.4.3. Tooth and ClawGenerally speaking, Maul provides no survivability increase, and it is just a means of dumping Rage when you wish to increase your DPS/threat, at the expense of your survivability (because you are using up Rage that could have been used on Frenzied Regeneration and/or Savage Defense). However, thanks to Tooth and Claw, a passive ability, your auto attacks have a chance to cause your next Maul to reduce the damage done by the target's next attack. In this case, Maul gains a survivability component. These procs from Tooth and Claw over-write each other, meaning that if you do not use the proc up before it procs again, the first proc is effectively wasted. On the target, however, the debuffed applied by these procs stacks. For example, applying one empowered Maul to the boss will reduce the damage of his next attack by 3,000. If you then manage to land another empowered Maul on him before he has had a chance to successfully attack, the damage reduction of his next attack will go up to 6,000, and so on. While an empowered Maul is a survivability gain, it is a smaller one than using Frenzied Regeneration to heal yourself, or Savage Defense. You should use such Mauls when you do not need the self-healing or the extra dodge from Savage Defenses, and when your Rage is reaching maximum capacity. This way, you can avoid wasting Rage by being capped, while still increasing your survivability somewhat. 5.4.4. Might of UrsocMight of Ursoc can be used both pre-emptively or reactively. It increases your current and maximum health by 30% for 20 seconds. 5.4.5. Survival InstinctsSurvival Instincts is best used pre-emptively. This means that you should use Survival Instincts before taking a large amount of damage (generally due to a boss mechanic). Additionally, you can use it to prolong your survival if your healers are dead or incapacitated. It is not advised to wait until you are low on health to use Survival Instincts, since you will probably die before it has had a chance to benefit you fully. Generally, it is best to make use of this cooldown as many times as possible during the fight (it is better to have wasted it than to have died with it available). Keep in mind, though, that you may be required to use it a very specific time, so make sure you save it for that moment. 5.4.6. BarkskinBarkskin works like a weaker version of Survival Instincts, so the same usage guidelines apply. The only difference is that Barkskin's cooldown is much smaller, meaning that you can use it more freely. 5.4.7. Tier 2 TalentsYour Tier 2 talent of choice should be used as follows:
5.4.8. Tier 4 TalentsYour Tier 4 talent of choice should be used as follows:
During Incarnation: Son of Ursoc, you should make maximum use of the reduced cooldown on Mangle, by spamming it. During this time, you should forsake Lacerate, and simply focus on casting Mangle, and keeping up Thrash and Faerie Fire. 5.4.9. Tier 6 TalentsYour Tier 6 talent of choice should be used as follows:
5.4.10. BerserkBerserk is not a defensive cooldown. It it a powerful offensive, threat-generating and DPS-increasing cooldown. It removes the cooldown from your Mangle and it causes Mangle to also hit two additional targets. You should use this at the pull, in order to gain initial aggro. After that, you should use it whenever there are multiple targets up or simply on cooldown, in order to maximise your DPS. It might be argued that the ability to use Mangle more often will increase your rage generation and survivability, but even spamming nothing but Mangle during Berserk will only net you about 50 additional rage, hardly enough to make it worth considering as a defensive cooldown. 5.5. ProcsHits from Lacerate, Thrash, and Faerie Fire have a 25% chance to reset the cooldown of Mangle. You should try to use these resource-free Mangles as quickly as possible. Additionally, thanks to Tooth and Claw, a passive ability, your auto attacks have a chance to cause your next Maul to reduce the target's next attack. You should make it a point to always use up these procs. 6. Changelog↑top